
Kings Road

Primary School

Excellence without Compromise

Healthy eating

Healthy Eating: An introduction for children aged 5-11

Lots of different things affect how healthy we are including what we eat and how active we are. Food plays a huge part in keeping us healthy and so we need to make sure we're eating a variety of foods to get all the right vitamins and nutrients.

Science | KS1 | Keeping my body healthy | BBC Teach

This film explains that we need different amounts of the varying food groups and that some, if eaten in too great an amount, can cause our bodies harm. This clip is from the series Explain This... This short film is relevant for teaching Science at KS1 in England and Wales, Foundation and KS1 in Northern Ireland and Early and 1st Level in Scotland.

Is sugar really bad for your teeth?

Bacteria eats sugar and that causes acid. The acid is what breaks through the enamel on your tooth, decaying them. 'Acid attacks' on your teeth only last for about twenty minutes. Find out more about Professor Hallux at
