
Kings Road

Primary School

Excellence without Compromise

House Captains & Head Pupils



All staff and children have been placed into one of six houses; Dunham, Lyme, Tatton, Styal, Harehill, Speke. The children will have the opportunity to receive house points which will contribute to the overall success of their house each week. Each house has a member of staff who is Head of House. At the end of each week, house points are counted and totalled and the winning houses for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place are announced in celebration assemblies. Please go to the house points tab on the home page to the weekly total.




Head of House


DUNHAMMiss Whiteside


Miss Bloor
SPEKEMr Boothby
STYALMiss Ross and Mrs Grant
TATTONMiss Maclean


