
Kings Road

Primary School

Excellence without Compromise

Pupil Premium Grant

What is Pupil Premium?


The Pupil Premium grant is funding provided to schools to close the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. At Kings Road, pupil premium funding is used to ensure all disadvantaged children are effectively supported to achieve the same academic success as their peers and are ready for transition to secondary school.  We do this through quality first teaching, targeted academic support and wider strategies.


A school will receive an amount of money for each pupil of compulsory school age who fits the eligibility criteria. In primary schools there are four categories of eligible pupil.

Each category attracts a different amount of funding.


Pupil eligibility and funding 2022-2023


  • Pupils in year groups R-Y6 recorded as 'ever 6 free school meals', plus NRPF pupils in these year groups who are eligible for FSM (£1385)
  • Looked - after children (LAC) (£2410)
  • Previously looked -after children (PLAC) (£2410)
  • Eligible Service children in year groups Reception to Year 11 (£320)


The grant can be spent as each school sees fit, as long as it is used to demonstrably improve the attainment of eligible pupils. Schools do not need to spend an equal amount on each pupil, or use the money for interventions that benefit only eligible pupils.

However, the grant should not be used to fund free school meals, as schools already receive funding for this through the dedicated schools grant.


In April 2015, an early year's pupil premium (EYPP) was introduced for disadvantaged children aged three and four years old. All Early Years providers eligible to receive early education funding are also eligible to receive the EYPP.

Kings Road Pupil Premium Pledge


Kings Road Primary School is committed to ensuring that each child eligible for pupil premium funding will receive approximately 1 hour targeted intervention per week. This is an average figure. The promise will be focused on outcomes rather than arbitrary timings. The statements and reviews below demonstrate how we allocate the funding for pupil premium.


This important area of our provision is led by;


Pupil Premium Champion - Mrs J Thirkill

Pupil Premium link governor - Mrs A Ahmed

                                                                       EYFS Promise

Pupil Premium Pledge Enrichment Activities
